



十年拼搏,河北廊坊华日新型建材有限公司,广泛吸收国际成果,先后和中科院、国家煤炭部、国家墙改办、清华大学、国家电力热工研究院等科研部门进行技术合作,大量引进国际先进技术和设备,成功推出聚氨酯复合保温板、岩棉制品、玻璃棉制品、水泥发泡保温板、泡沫玻璃保温板、电梯井吸音板、FTC相变蓄能保温砂浆、改性粉煤灰砂浆。,并承揽整体工程安装,一跃成为国内的产、学、研一体的防火及保温材料的生产基地。 华日公司已通过ISO9001质量认证,环境管理体系认证。具有完善的质量保证体系,产品销往国内三十多个省市、自治区,并出口东南亚、东欧、澳洲等十几个国家,华日公司以其自身魅力凝聚着数千名员工,形成朝气蓬勃、富有学习和创新精神、率、高素质的团队,坚持以科技为导向,以市场求生存、以质量为根本、以荣誉为保证,以用户至上为准则的华日宗旨。贯彻以人为本,品质创新服务的经营理念。 10 years hard work, Langfang, Hebei, China New Chemical Building Materials Co., Ltd.,! extensively absorb the latest scientific and technological achievements, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the State Department, Qinghua University, the National Electricity thermal Institute Research Department of Technical Cooperation, imported a large international advanced equipment and technology, the successful launch glass of the Board, fire plate, waterproof board, light wall panels, a fire wall panels, perlite door of board, air conditioning composite wind and boards have become the largest domestic production, education, research and the Fire Safety building materials and insulation materials production base。Chinese-Japanese company has passed ISO9001 quality certification, environmental management system certification. With perfect qualityassurancesystem, products are sold to more than 30 provinces,autonomous regions and exported to Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Australia,a dozen countries, Chinese charm coalescence of thousands of employees to form a vibrant full of learning and innovation, high efficiency, highquality team, adhere to the technologyriented, market survival, quality is fundamental to ensure the honor, the user first day as the criterion of Chinese objectives. Implement peopleoriented, and quality service business



  • 主营: 廊坊钢框轻型屋面板销售,水泥发泡保温板厂家,泡沫玻璃保温板供应
  • 地址: 河北大城权村金地开发区
  • 联系: 杜云飞
  • 手机: 15631672977
  • 电话: 0316-7093750
  • 本站共被浏览过 7583 次

